1. The Process


    First complete the Google Doc and send it to Admin who will review your documents and correspond with you through the contact information you provided.


    Register at the site with the same name and email used with Google Doc and follow the instructions, completing all available fields required. If you want to change such information do so with Google Docs before you go to the website, as the website may not recognize you as a member (membership, means you have purchased tokens through this program, we can verify your team leader or group you relate to).


    • You must have a Project and be a member

    • Submit Google Docs

    • Register on the website, (complete Registration Form with the same credentials on google docs)

    • Submit Application

    • A Qualified Project is one that meets the necessary criteria and passes Admin scrutiny.

    • Log onto the website to check on status or progress of your application or any messages or communication from Administrators. Once logged in you could peruse the menu for any Projects or information available to members.

    • Identify a Project you want to collateralize.

    • Submit, in attorney’s escrow, coin/crypto amount -120% of the value of the Project (which will show project details etc.).

    • Project and submission of collateral (crypto) will go through the collateralization process by meeting all necessary criteria and passing Admin review. Once collateralized it’s qualified for funding, then the project team and legal team will finalize the funding arrangements.

    • Asset will be secured for that project, and within 60-90 days from the time the asset is provided the Project will be funded according to draw/tranche schedule.

  4. A person doesn’t need to have a project to participate in the program, but they can collateralize a project, by identifying a project and submitting the amount/percentage in cryptocurrency they wish to apply.

  5. NOTE:  20% of project funding will go towards discretionary use so this should be included when calculating the cost of the project. (Example, if your project is $1M add the discretionary use funds (20%) to the $1M, now the value of your project is $1M $200,000). Escrow deposit must be 120% of the project value.