Health Restoration Project year ONE


Project Overview

The Health Restoration humanitarian project will have the ability to help thousands of people who are struggling with poor quality of life. The number of people struggling with physical, emotional and spiritual distress in our current time frame is unprecedented. For many it is chronic or debilitating illnesses, with multitudes looking for answers. This project will focus on those with both a physical need as well as those experiencing financial hardship. These are individuals that would otherwise not be able to access such help that could help to regain a better quality of life. This will be done through products and services as well as educating those on a more holistic approach that supports the body at a cellular level. This will help the body through cellular communication and building the immune system to work optimally. The number of products and services for each person will be on an individual basis. This will be determined based on the person’s age and health concerns as they go through an intake process. We have a team of compassionate individuals already trained to help get the project up and running. As time goes on, we will bring on others who can assist in this process as well. With this program we hope to power the potential for each one to reclaim their health and change their outlook on their current situation for a better future. Disclaimer: We do NOT make medical claims, to cure mitigate or treat disease. We merely give the body the tools necessary to help it function optimally.

Executive Summary

The “Health Restoration Project” is a faith based humanitarian project offering hope, healing and restoration with a goal to help make a difference in the lives of 5,000 plus individuals over a 3-4 year period with an approximate average of 1,600 people per year. We believe that it is not Gods design for us to be sick, and by helping people live younger longer with a better quality of life, it will help empower them in their own life’s mission. This project is designed to reach those with deteriorating health concerns and some that have been made worse since the pandemic. The intent is to make a difference in those with debilitating health challenges, disabled veterans, vaccine injured and more, with a more holistic approach. We will offer different modalities to include nontoxic cellular health products to help the body heal and repair itself naturally as it was designed to do. This includes and not limited to good immune system support, nutritional support, cardiovascular health, hormone regulation, inflammation, brain health, digestive health, chronic pain, mood/anxiety and more. Health concerns are global; therefore, we can serve people in any of these countries. This will not only provide much needed health services/products for 5-6 thousand individuals but will also provide an income for possibly 50 or more in the 3–4-year period. We will focus on helping those with serious life challenging health conditions that are affecting their quality of life due to declining health and bringing hope. With this program we hope to power the potential for each one to reclaim their health and change their outlook on their current situation for a better future.

Funds Required

$ 15,742,865.00

Draw schedule

First Draw: $ 2,623,810.83
Second Draw: $ 2,623,810.83
Third Draw: $ 2,623,810.83
Fourth Draw: $ 2,623,810.83
Fifth Draw: $ 2,623,810.83
Sixth Draw: $ 2,623,810.85