Seminole Indian Revitalization through Green Energy Mfg.


Project Overview

Solid state batteries has been the holy grail of battery tech as the batteries do not have any toxic and combustible liquid inside of them. This makes for a very robust and heavy duty battery which is highly desired in the industrial sector. With the increasing demand on reliable and inexpensive storage capacity especially in the power grid where solar and wind requires battery storage during peak output times our storage solutions solves several major factors. First is a less expensive solution vs lithium batteries, which are completely dependent upon the limited supply of lithium. Secondly, the safety factor of not having to deal with the potential of a major explosion of liquid based batteries due to faulty cooling systems resulting in overheating. Our solid state solution is a welcome addition to this ever increasing marketplace. Outside the market viability for the battery tech, plus the huge demand we can fulfill we are also contributing to the redevelopment of Native American Heritage which has suffered greatly over the last decades. Currently the only the industry that has contributed to the Native American economy has been the gaming industry, which many native Americans don't like to support or work within, as the jobs are low paying and the profits get consolidated and are sometimes misappropriated. Our manufacturing solution provides excellent paying jobs that equally distributes the money over thousands of families with many of the profits being used in very strategic ways for effective infrastructure development. We look forward to sharing our program with you to illustrate the market viability of the product and the excellent economic impact on the Native American people.

Executive Summary

The first version of this solid state battery occurred in 2002 and was in production until 2010, at which point mis-management by the venture capitalists caused the company to go into a state of liquidation. Mis-management was caused by a change in the formula to the solid state components thinking they could increase profitability due to overwhelming greed which submarined the company over several years, leaving the inventor and developers of the battery tech to clean up the mess. Everything has been re-structured, and vastly improved. This has all been accomplished. During this time frame the inventor has integrated graphene into the solid state structure, creating a much lighter weight battery, greater storage capacity, and increased cycle times. We are now poised to hit the ground running as relationships and opportunities are already in place and success is all but guaranteed once the manufacturing plant it up and running.

Funds Required

$ 1,200,000,000.00

Draw schedule

First Draw: $ 200,000,000.00
Second Draw: $ 200,000,000.00
Third Draw: $ 200,000,000.00
Fourth Draw: $ 200,000,000.00
Fifth Draw: $ 200,000,000.00
Sixth Draw: $ 200,000,000.00