NACE Agriculture Project


Project Overview

Project will be completed as per description. Farmers will be engaged, multiple persons will be employed in administration, sales, food handling, et. cet., et. cet, et. al.

Executive Summary

The National Association of Christian Educators has undertaken mission work in the U S., and in the island nation of Jamaica for the last 25 years. In the island nation of Jamaica, it was noticed that there were large portions of land that were not cultivated. At the same time, it was observed that there was an extremely large percentage of unemployment among adult males and younger persons. In the U S., it was noticed that in the inner cities of Detroit, MI., Chicago, IL., St. Louis, MO., Okla. City, OK., and other cities, major grocery stories had move therefrom and relocated to the suburbs of these cities. Thus, the population of the above-mentioned inner cities were left without access to food from grocery stores, unless they traveled great distances and paid extremely high prices to obtain the food they needed. This created a tremendous problem NACE approached Jamaican farmers with the proposition of producing food for these inner cities. They agreed. NACE is attempting to advance the idea by submitting the plan to Infinity International. The plan is in place. The only need is funding.

Funds Required

$ 11,064,482.00

Draw schedule

First Draw: $ 1,844,080.33
Second Draw: $ 1,844,080.33
Third Draw: $ 1,844,080.33
Fourth Draw: $ 1,844,080.33
Fifth Draw: $ 1,844,080.33
Sixth Draw: $ 1,844,080.33