Somnag Serey Sok Sadoum ORPHANAGE


Project Overview

Funding of $100,000,000.00 is requested to acquire land for constructing a residence and orphanage, incorporating a school, sports facilities (including a track and swimming pool), and a gym. Additionally, agricultural land will be utilized to cultivate food for the orphanage, ensuring a farm-to-table approach. Income will be generated through a storefront, cement distribution center, and other ventures to ensure the orphanage's long-term sustainability. This initiative is a humanitarian project aimed at addressing the aftermath of Cambodia's genocide, where orphaned children lack basic necessities and face an uncertain future, often resorting to scavenging for food in the streets. By establishing a supportive environment with housing, food security, and education, we aim to empower these children to become contributing members of society and secure a brighter future. The project's objective is to create a positive and nurturing environment that enables orphaned children to thrive, thereby investing in the future well-being of our community and fostering hope where it is desperately needed.

Executive Summary

Somnag Serey Sok Sadoum ORPHANAGE is seeking funding in the amount of $100,000,000.00 to acquire land for constructing a home and orphanage, as well as to establish a Cement and Construction Company. The primary objective is to establish an orphanage to support vulnerable children, a longstanding aspiration hindered by financial constraints.  This project aims to bring significant benefits to my community, particularly orphaned children in Cambodia. Many of these children are left without homes, education, or basic necessities, lacking hope and opportunities for a better life. The proposed initiative will enable the purchase of land for building homes and schools for these children, alongside the development of commercial ventures like a storefront, cement distribution center, and restaurant for sustainable income generation. The impact of this project will be profound, offering a promising future to countless vulnerable individuals. I express my deepest gratitude for this opportunity to realize my vision and contribute to the well-being of orphaned children and society at large.

Funds Required

$ 100,000,000.00

Draw schedule

First Draw: $ 25,000,000.00
Second Draw: $ 15,000,000.00
Third Draw: $ 15,000,000.00
Fourth Draw: $ 15,000,000.00
Fifth Draw: $ 15,000,000.00
Sixth Draw: $ 15,000,000.00