Davis Therapeutic Services (DTS)


Project Overview

DTS provides high-quality counseling, learning approaches, training, and various therapeutic services, including mental health services, at competitive and affordable rates. We are not looking to expand our facility as well as our services offices to help bridge the gap that is ever growing in the mental health industry.

Executive Summary

Davis Therapeutic Services (DTS) is a faith-based agency located in Flowood, Mississippi, committed to providing high-quality counseling, learning approaches, training, and various therapeutic services, including mental health services, at competitive and affordable rates. Our mission is to promote holistic well-being by addressing the mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and families in our community. To further our mission and meet the growing demand for comprehensive care, we are seeking funding in the amount of $117,500,000.00 to build a state-of-the-art mental health facility with an adjacent community center and expand our current service offerings. DTS has established a reputation for delivering exceptional care and support to individuals of all ages. Our team consists of licensed professional counselors, licensed clinical social workers, supervisee therapists, and educators who are passionate about helping clients achieve optimal mental health and personal growth. We are driven by our faith-based approach, integrating spiritual principles into evidence-based clinical practices, and ensuring a unique and holistic therapeutic experience. Service Offerings: 1. Counseling and Therapy: - DTS offers individual, couples, family, and group counseling sessions to address a wide range of mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issues, grief, nicotine dependence, and work-life stressors. - Our therapists utilize evidence-based modalities, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy (TF-CBT), integrated mental health therapy, and solution-focused therapy, tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. - We offer a diverse range of services designed to enhance social skills and interpersonal interactions. Our highly trained staff is adept at assisting clients in conflict resolution and anger management, ensuring a healthy and harmonious environment. Additionally, we provide specialized training in self-care and personal safety skills, empowering individuals to prioritize their well-being. Our clinic also focuses on promoting healthy hygienic practices, recognizing their impact on mental health. We further assist clients in developing independent skills, including money management, housing guidance, and maintaining a supportive living environment. Finally, we offer compassionate guidance for individuals adjusting to life after trauma, providing invaluable support throughout the healing process. 2. Learning Approaches and Training: - We provide specialized learning approaches and educational support for children, adolescents, and adults with learning disabilities, ADHD, and other educational challenges. - Our team offers individualized educational assessments, personalized learning plans, and evidence-based interventions to help individuals succeed academically and professionally to reach their full potential. 3. Mental Health Services: - DTS offers a comprehensive range of mental health services, including psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and coordination of care with other healthcare providers. - Our integrated approach addresses the biological, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of mental health, ensuring holistic support for individuals seeking optimal well-being. 4. Other Therapeutic Services: - In addition to counseling and mental health services, we provide a variety of therapeutic approaches, such as art therapy, play therapy, music therapy, and expressive therapies, which promote creativity, self-expression, and emotional healing. - In an effort to provide a comprehensive range of services to promote mental well-being in our community as well, we offer Mental Health First Aid Training, both for individuals and groups/organizations, empowering participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively support individuals in need. Our clinic also provides mental health wellness services and training, including staff in-services and community events, fostering a culture of well-being within organizations and communities. - Additionally, we offer independent contracting opportunities for behavioral health services, allowing professionals to collaborate with us in delivering high-quality care. - We are also actively engaged in mental health education and public speaking engagements, sharing insights and raising awareness about mental health topics. - As a clinical setting, we provide supervision hours for Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Licensed Professional Counselors, ensuring professional growth and adherence to best practices within the field. Facility Development and Expansion: To meet the increasing demand for our services and create a supportive environment for our clients, we are requesting funding to build a state-of-the-art mental health facility with an adjacent community center. The facility development and expansion plans include: 1. Mental Health Facility: - We will allocate a significant portion of the funding towards constructing a modern, purpose-built mental health facility. - The facility will be designed to promote healing and provide a welcoming atmosphere for clients and staff. - It will include therapy rooms, consultation offices, group therapy spaces, meditation and yoga rooms, art therapy studios, administrative areas, and other essential amenities. 2. Community Center: - Alongside the mental health facility, we will build a community center that will serve as a hub for educational programs, mental health programs, support groups, workshops, conferences, and community events. - The community center will foster connections, promote mental health education, and provide a safe space for individuals seeking support and personal growth. Expansion of Service Offerings: With the funding, we aim to expand our current service offerings to cater to the diverse needs of our community. The areas of expansion include: 1. Staffing and Training: - Hiring additional licensed therapists, counselors, and educators to ccommodate the growing demand for our services. - The inclusion of administrative assistants will streamline our operations, ensuring efficient scheduling, record-keeping, and administrative tasks. - With the assistance of marketing assistants, we can enhance our outreach efforts, increase community engagement, and effectively communicate our services to a wider audience. - The addition of psychiatric nurse practitioners will significantly enhance our clinical team, allowing us to offer a higher level of specialized care and expanded access to psychiatric services. - Hiring dedicated housekeepers will ensure a clean and welcoming environment, promoting a sense of comfort and well-being for our clients. - The inclusion of a skilled billing administrator will help streamline the billing process, reducing administrative burden and allowing our staff to focus more on providing quality care. - Employing a dedicated groundskeeper will allow us to maintain an aesthetically pleasing and tranquil environment, fostering a sense of calmness and well-being for our clients. This role will contribute to the overall ambiance and contribute to the therapeutic atmosphere we strive to create. - Investing in professional IT support is crucial to optimize our technological infrastructure, ensuring seamless operations, secure data management, and reliable communication systems. This support will enhance our efficiency, protect sensitive information, and provide a robust foundation for our clinical services. - Lastly, the addition of a human resource manager will enable us to effectively navigate the complexities of staffing, recruitment, training, and employee relations. This role will enhance our ability to attract and retain highly qualified staff, foster a positive work environment, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. - By recruiting these essential support staff, we can enhance our overall operations, improve patient experiences, and strengthen our ability to meet the growing needs of our community. By strategically expanding our support staff to include a groundskeeper, IT support, and a human resource manager, we can elevate the quality of our services, enhance organizational efficiency, and further solidify our position as a leading mental health clinic. - To maintain a high standard of care and ensure that our mental health clinic remains at the forefront of industry advancements, it is imperative to prioritize ongoing training and professional development for our team. By offering regular training opportunities, we can equip our staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to stay up-to-date with the latest research, evidence-based practices, and emerging treatment modalities. This commitment to continuous learning enables our clinicians and support staff to provide the most effective and comprehensive care to our clients. Moreover, professional development opportunities empower our team members to expand their expertise, enhance their clinical skills, and develop specialized competencies in areas such as trauma-informed care, cultural competence, and innovative therapeutic techniques. By investing in the professional growth of our team, we foster a culture of excellence, promote job satisfaction, and cultivate a cohesive and collaborative environment. - Additionally, ongoing training and professional development contribute to staff retention, attracting top talent, and establishing our mental health clinic as a destination for professionals seeking growth and advancement in their careers. In summary, by prioritizing ongoing training and professional development, we demonstrate our commitment to providing the highest quality of care, maintaining our competitive edge, and fostering a dynamic and knowledgeable team dedicated to improving the lives of those we serve. 2. Program Development: - Developing specialized programs and support services targeting specific populations, such as children and adolescents, veterans, seniors, and marginalized communities. - Introducing innovative therapeutic approaches and interventions to enhance our service offerings. 3. Outreach and Community Engagement: - Expanding our marketing efforts to raise awareness about our services and reach a wider audience. - Collaborating with local organizations, faith-based communities, schools, and healthcare providers to strengthen our referral network and community partnerships. - Introducing a cutting-edge mental health podcast within our clinic is a strategic initiative that can greatly benefit both our organization and the wider community. The podcast medium presents an innovative and accessible platform to share valuable insights, expert advice, and personal stories related to mental health and well-being. By hosting a podcast, we can reach a broader audience, including individuals who may not have easy access to traditional mental health services. This not only allows us to extend our reach but also creates an opportunity to educate and raise awareness about various mental health topics. - Furthermore, a podcast can serve as a powerful tool for reducing stigma and fostering a supportive environment for individuals facing mental health challenges. The podcast format enables us to invite guest experts, thought leaders, and individuals with lived experiences to share their perspectives, providing diverse and engaging content that resonates with listeners. - Additionally, the podcast can serve as a resource for our current clients, offering them additional support and information between sessions. By embracing this cutting-edge medium, we position ourselves as leaders in the mental health field, demonstrating our commitment to innovation, education, and community engagement. Overall, launching a mental health podcast presents a unique opportunity to extend our impact, break down barriers, and contribute to the well-being of individuals on a wider scale.

Funds Required

$ 149,280,000.00

Draw schedule

First Draw: $ 24,880,000.00
Second Draw: $ 24,880,000.00
Third Draw: $ 24,880,000.00
Fourth Draw: $ 24,880,000.00
Fifth Draw: $ 24,880,000.00
Sixth Draw: $ 24,880,000.00