The Triple R Ranch - Remnant River Ranch - Year 1 of 6


Project Overview

Women have traditionally been the backbone of the family and are now running the home as single parents. They are often unable to pursue their dreams and talents because of this. The Triple R Ranch is a creative and safe space that would allow women to come together, learn new skills, grow their creative talents and dreams, network, receive healing and thrive in their personal lives. The Triple R Ranch would also contribute to the surrounding arts community by providing classes, trainings, and growth in the creative arts space of Music City, Nashville, TN.

Executive Summary

Women are the backbone of the family unit, holding down single-parent households and navigating challenges that can be difficult to overcome. (As of 2022, there were 7.9 Mil single parent homes run by women in the US.) Despite a lack of support, resources, and job skills, these women work tirelessly to create a better life for their children. Many, if not all, are forced to put their dreams and life on hold to work full-time while raising children. The entertainment industry also plays a role in the challenges they face, spreading ideas that can make things even more difficult. The Triple R Ranch (Remnant River Ranch) will aim to create a space where women can heal, learn, grow, and thrive in all aspects of their lives. Within Music City (Nashville, TN) is a large community of creative artists and we hope to partner with this area to train, prepare, and bring more women into the entertainment industry. Our mission is to equip women with the skills and knowledge to pursue their dreams with confidence, while providing them with the tools they need to make lasting change in their communities. We also welcome pastors, leaders, and lay ministers to come rest and recharge on our land, and we are committed to fostering creativity through an on-site studio.

Funds Required

$ 7,130,400.00

Draw schedule

First Draw: $ 5,355,066.67
Second Draw: $ 355,066.67
Third Draw: $ 355,066.67
Fourth Draw: $ 355,066.67
Fifth Draw: $ 355,066.67
Sixth Draw: $ 355,066.65