Carmichael Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Health Creations For Life - Year 1


Project Overview

Provide primarily faith-based entities with the ability to purchase modern technology that will create radically improved indoor living, learning and working spaces. End results will include safer air to breathe, surfaces to touch, water to drink along with increased productivity, reduced absenteeism due to illness, and a greater peace of mind for all constituents. An especially great benefit to those with compromised immune systems or who suffer allergies, asthma, and chemical sensitivities. We will also be preparing these facilities for what-comes-next as our technology does not discriminate against pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and mold. We send the solution out to the pollution and take advantage of the weakness inherent to these threats by breaking open the "houses" that they live in known as biofilm. Once their biofilm is penetrated, what's inside can no longer replicate and therefore, is no longer infectious.

Executive Summary

Total funding request for the 6-year plan period is $21,031,499 Year-One funding = $2,772,000. Carmichael Enterprises, LLC (CE, LLC) is a Brand Partner and Manufacturer's Rep with ActivePure Technologies, serving all 50 States and Canada. We provide the leading technology for chemical free, filter-less air & surface purification as well as alkalinized, ionized and micro-clustered drinking water for homes, schools, churches, daycare centers, assisted living facilities, businesses, and all types of vehicles. ActivePure has been thoroughly vetted and verified by independent 3rd party testing including several hospital clinical trials. • CE, LLC has developed a significant expertise in the application of ActivePure Technologies to create the cleanest indoor air quality for breathing purposes, the safest surfaces to touch, and water to drink. We eliminate 99.96% of viruses, bacteria, mold, VOCs and odor in under 60 seconds in most applications. • The general population including asthma and allergy sufferers plus immune compromised people benefit greatly from this technology. • CE, LLC owners (Steve & Lori Carmichael) have a heart and a vision for a health initiative that has a laser focus on serving non-profit Christian schools, home schools, day care centers, assisted living facilities, churches, and the vehicles they use for the transportation of people. Our technology has been proven to reduce absenteeism by more than 50%. This is a quality-of-life issue as well as a learning issue. Kids in the seat at their school will learn, kids not in the seat because of illness, do not. Productivity is lost when employees miss work due to illnesses. Most non-profit facilities cannot afford these major technology improvements to their indoor air quality, all-surface purification, and vastly improved drinking water. • The funding of this project will allow us to provide our technology to 360 facilities over a 6-year period on a “grant” basis. We will use an existing and growing network of contract providers who will in turn be additionally blessed by this initiative as they help to make sales and serve these entities as part of our overall program. • Funding requests being made beyond the initial technology and installation costs include annual ActivePure Cell replacements, parts, plus administrative support. • Total project funding request for the 6-year plan period is $21,031,799 with Year-One funding being $2,772,000.

Funds Required

$ 2,772,000.00

Draw schedule

First Draw: $ 462,000.00
Second Draw: $ 462,000.00
Third Draw: $ 462,000.00
Fourth Draw: $ 462,000.00
Fifth Draw: $ 462,000.00
Sixth Draw: $ 462,000.00